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The Montessori Classroom

The Montessori Method of Education was developed by
Dr. Maria Montessori, who spent years observing children, their activities, learning tendencies, habits and behavior. She found that very young children have an astonishing innate need and capacity to take from their surroundings that which they need to form the adults they will become. Everyday activities, sensorial impressions and experiences surround the children with a wealth of knowledge from which to draw. This learning process of the child is fostered in the environment of a Montessori classroom.

Our Classroom Philosophy

The Montessori classroom is a carefully “prepared environment”. It is a non-competitive setting which allows the child to learn at their own pace. It provides the materials and activities children need to develop independence and personal growth. Through careful observation, the teacher serves as a facilitator to the child’s learning. Guided by their own natural interests, the child has the opportunity to explore a prepared classroom environment that promotes kindness, respect, peace, order and confidence.

Why choose Montessori education over traditional education?

A Montessori program focuses on the “whole” child, allowing them to develop at their own pace emotionally, physically and intellectually. Children become independent, self-directed learners, which in turn teaches them to be responsible, respectful and compassionate human beings. A Montessori classroom is child-centered rather than teacher led. Children are free to choose their activities and learning takes place spontaneously.

Is Montessori for all children?

Montessori was designed to help children reach their full potential regardless of their background or abilities. No single program fits every child; however, Montessori has been successfully used with children from all backgrounds and learning abilities; from gifted children to children with learning disabilities.

What are the benefits of a multi-aged environment?

Mixing ages enables the older, more socially advanced and capable children to become role models for the younger ones. A feeling of community develops as younger children are aided by the older ones. Older children have the opportunity to reinforce their skills and build self-confidence. Trust and security are fostered between the teacher and child as they remain together through each plane of the child’s development (i.e. Toddler or Primary)

​What happens when a child leaves Montessori?

Montessori children are extraordinarily adaptable. They have learned to work independently and in groups. Since they have been encouraged to make decisions from an early age, these children are problem-solvers who can make choices and manage their time well. They have also been encouraged to exchange ideas and to discuss their work freely with others. Good communication skills ease the way in new settings. Montessori programs, based on self-directed, non-competitive activities, help children develop good self-images and the confidence to face challenge and change with optimism.

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